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FAQs about the Office of Public Counsel

Who does the Public Counsel work for?

The Public Counsel works for the Citizens of the State of Florida through the Joint Committee on Public Counsel Oversight (JCPO) — a joint Committee of the Florida House and Senate.

Does the Public Counsel represent the citizens of Florida against all utilities?

No. The Public Counsel only represents citizens in utility cases over which the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) has jurisdiction. The FPSC has no jurisdiction over the setting of rates and achieved earnings for city or county owned utilities and electric cooperatives. The Public Counsel’s authority is slightly different in water and wastewater utilities and if you have a question regarding Public Counsel’s authority in water and wastewater utilities, you may either click on the 'contact' button at the top of this page, or call us toll-free at 1-800-342-0222.

Does the Public Counsel work for the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC)?

No. The Office of Public Counsel is a completely independent consumer advocate in cases before the FPSC and is not accountable to the FPSC.

Is the Public Counsel the same as the Public Defender?

No. The Public Defender represents the criminally accused; the Public Counsel appears in public utility cases.

If the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) establishes a policy or rule, can the Public Counsel argue against that rule?

Yes. Acting in the public interest, the Public Counsel often participates at the PSC in the development of policies and rules where we either agree with or oppose the recommended changes.

Can the Public Counsel appeal decisions of the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC)?

Yes. Acting in the public interest, the Public Counsel can and does appeal decisions of the FPSC to the appellate courts of our state.

My utility has asked the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) for a rate increase. How do I get the Public Counsel involved?

You should either click on the 'contact' button at the top of this page, or call us toll-free at 1-800-342-0222. The Public Counsel routinely intervenes in large utility cases. However, in smaller cases, especially in water and wastewater cases, Public Counsel involvement is upon the request of customers. If you believe the Public Counsel should become involved in a public utilities case over which the FPSC has jurisdiction, you should contact our office.

Under what statutory authority does the Office of Public Counsel exist?

Section 350.061 of the Florida Statutes.

What are the statutory duties and powers of the Office of Public Counsel?

Section 350.0611 of the Florida Statutes.

Who pays for the Office of Public Counsel?

The Public Counsel is funded as part of the legislature. You do not pay for the Public Counsel through your utility bill.

What is the size of the Office of Public Counsel?

The Office of Public Counsel is authorized to employ 6 attorneys who are experienced members of the Florida Bar and 8 technical analysts/support staff.

Does the Office of Public Counsel retain outside expertise?

Yes. The Office of Public Counsel routinely retains expert analysis and testimony.

Where is the Office of Public Counsel located?

The office is in the Claude Pepper Building in Tallahassee, Florida.

We would like the Public Counsel or a member of his or her team to appear before our civic association. How can we contact the Public Counsel for this purpose?

You should either use the contact form on this site, or call us toll-free at 1-800-342-0222.